Swedish Armed Forces Engcon Nordic Hotels & Resorts - adeprimo

Development | Conversion strategy | Design

How using smart technology increases conversion

Technology should benefit human behavior and be styled to fit the individual. That is why we created a booking experience that is not only a customized seamless experience for the individual but also a platform with smarter solutions to enable changes and expansion in the future.

We believe that the entire digital experience should reflect an actual visit to the destination. With the future being feature based it is essential to personalize the booking to be ever changing depending on the personality of the hotel as well as the customer looking to make a reservation.

The booking flow is integrated throughout the entire process with design and tonality tailored to fit each hotel. By minimizing the number of choices the conversion is higher since the customer is guided through the process making it simple for the customer to customize their experience with carefully selected add ons in a natural order with a sleek overview.

”My role as a programmer is not to primarily write code but to really meet people’s needs”

// Conny Sagner backend developer

Adeprimo is privileged to work with 20 of the 40 hotels. We also design and develop their websites with a focus on UX, conversion and brand.


“15-25% more revenue compared to our ”oldbooking engine”- Tom Cludts – Sr. Revenue Manager på Nordic Hotels & Resorts


Nordic Hotels & Resorts (NHR) is composed of 25 independent hotels in the Nordic region and is part of the big Choice hotel chain owned by Petter Stordalen.